16th October 2018 – 5 Night Ningaloo Escape – Highlights

5 Night Ningaloo Escape

On our 5 night Ningaloo Escape trip on 16th October our guests from Bermagui, NSW, were full of energy and up for a real action packed adventure and boy did they get it!

Schools of dancing Convict Surgeons, Parrot fish and Chromis, foraging Rays, an inquisitive Porcupine fish, a speedy moving Tawny nurse shark, beady eyes of Cuttlefish & Octopus watching you and more turtles than you could count are just a few of the creatures we got to see.

Add this to some sailing over clear turquoise waters in the warm sunshine and sumptuous freshly made food we were in heaven.

The highlight though had to be swimming alongside a big beauty of a Manta Ray. Not another person as far as the eye can see! Spectacular!!

Music by: www.hooksounds.com

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