5th June 2024 – 5 Night Ningaloo Escape – Highlights

5 Night Ningaloo Escape – 5th June 2024

Ningaloo’s Escape: Unforgettable Encounters Await
Ningaloo lived up to its reputation and then some on our incredible June 5th 5 night escape!
Drifting over fields of staghorn corals, vibrant with life. Moray eels peeking curiously from their homes, while wobbegong sharks, lionfish, and cuttlefish add to the underwater spectacle. Swirling schools of baitfish creating whirlwind of energy alongside shimmering sweetlips and fusiliers, creating a mesmerizing ballet.
As the sun sets, a whole new world awakens. Night dives reveal a captivating shift in the reef’s dynamics, with a curious octopus even climbing all over the camera in its quest to understand this strange visitor!
But the adventure doesn’t stop there. Sailing along, wind in our hair, we spotted playful dolphins and watched majestic humpback whales cruise Ningaloo waters. Plus the unforgettable experiences of swimming with manta rays, which this trip provided more than once during it’s time. Their graceful movements leaving everyone awestruck.
This highlight reel is just a taste of the incredible underwater world our guests discovered – Ningaloo has it all!